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CSM EMS (Environmental Management System)

CSM Role

⇒ Gap Analysis and advisory

⇒ Help in selection of management representative

⇒ Implementation of ISO 14001:2004 Standard’s requirements

⇒ Awareness Training and Internal Auditors’ Training

⇒ Help in preparation of environmental aspects impacts analysis

⇒ Help in setting of environmental goals as per your activities

⇒ Help in Minimizing the risk of environmental liability

Get Benefits Through CSM’s Suports

⇒ Get virtual profit by building an image of ‘green product’ in the market

⇒ Know environmentally vulnerable areas in your business and get preventive actions

⇒ Promote predictability and consistency in managing environmental obligations

⇒ Get a way of compliance with applicable legal & other requirements region-wise and customer-wise

⇒ Get better productivity through environment-friendly work ambiance

⇒ Building an environmental awareness among all interested parties

Some of Our Esteemed Clients